Banana fruit it s a fruit for physiological balance

Banana  are a fruit for  physiological balance because they contain monounsaturated salts such as potassium

Bananas Contains a very high percentage of potassium
  which prompting sports medicine to use it after the arduous games ,

   Help people against hypertension and those with cardiovascular disease.
  it 's know that potassium with efficiency against excessive loss of calcium in the urine,

Banana advantages
Relieve stomach ulcers caused by Campylobacter Pilori 
by Two special characteristics

  First: activate cells cover
Through the secretion of mucus which be a barrier that protects the impact of acidity
second because is contains compounds that inhibit enzymes Responsible about degrading  of proteins Protease inhibitors  which  eject bacteria that cause ulcers.
Bananas contain potassium with high percent, which makes it useful after diarrhea  to restore the body fluid balance,
 and Returns salts that the body need
potassium working to adjust the heart rate.
  Bananas contain pectin, which helps the body  to rid waste from the colon and protects against constipation,
Also it contains sugar:
  Fructooligosacharide which is a fermented fiber that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
Bananas contain vitamins B6 and C,
which helps to metabolism  and extract energy from food materials such as sugars and fats,
Prevent oxidation inside the body because it's absorb free radicals
People with diabetes types I and II needs to paradoxin and vitamin B6
because B6 vitamin helps to metabolize sugars.
  Banana contains manganese which also a foctor for stimulate the friendly bacteria  in colon or probiotics bacteria. 

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