Danger cow's milk can make a hormonal disorder in babies

Today, many of the problems parents have with their babies are related to the new feeding and parenting techniques introduced in the last century. Colic for example, are much more common in the United States than anywhere in the world. The two main causes of this increase are the stress experienced by babies regularly separated from their mothers, and the common difficulty that all babies have in tolerating the milk proteins of cows contained in infant formula but also in the diet of children. lactating moms. Cow's milk is a foreign substance that has invaded every element of our diet; starting with artificial milks but also making its way into breast milk through the food consumed by the mother. It turns out that health problems such as childhood diabetes, obesity, intestinal diseases, osteoporosis, heart disease, cataracts, colic, ear infections, hyperactivity and cancer , which are constantly increasing in both adults and children, may be strongly related to the child's diet choices.

there are literally thousands of research studies, each of which reveals at least one of the risks of milk, the dairy industry does its utmost to stifle compromising rumors. General statements such as "there is simply no scientific research to support these claims" are easily made. Thanks to a long and fruitful history of dairy promotion, these are easily accepted by the general public. More people should do real research and learn the truth for themselves. They should be very suspicious of all these foreign foods to which children are pushed for consumption. They should question as much as possible the results of the different studies. While some of the dangers of consuming cow's milk are more of an issue for adults than for children, the actions of parents will serve as a basis for children's milk consumption habits throughout their lives.

The harmful components of cow's milk include all the major elements of the latter but also some minor elements. Lactose is a sugar designed for babies but is usually harmful to adults. When an adult digests lactose, the resulting galactose can cause vision, prostate, and other problems in the elderly. Cow's milk proteins are very different from human milk proteins and cause problems with digestion, tolerance, impaired absorption of other nutrients, and autoimmune reactions. Some of the proteins designed for calves are naturally found in human breast milk, and none of them are found in any food consumed by adults (humans). The high protein content of cow's milk also causes problems. Human babies need the saturated fats and cholesterol found in their mother's milk. Bovine milk fat does not have a composition suitable for human babies and is only detrimental to the health of children and adults. Cows hormones are not made for humans, and young children and adults are not made to consume hormones. And the cows, which have been selected to reproduce more than they should because they produce a lot of these hormones, are the cows that grow the fastest and produce the highest amount of milk. There is also a high concentration of pesticides and pollutants in the milk fat of these cows, resulting from high dietary requirements for food and water. The large amount of medicine distributed to these cows contributes to this chemical soup. But do we need milk to build strong bones? In fact, the high consumption of dairy products is linked to the increase in cases of osteoporosis.

Milk deflation

The idea, highly promoted, that milk is needed to build strong bones refers to the prevention of osteoporosis; that's why you have to strengthen your bones. Decades of efforts to demonstrate that a high calcium diet (mainly derived from dairy products) builds strong bones have failed and show no correlation between these two elements. Indeed, the opposite seems to be the truth. These are the countries that consume the most milk as the Scandinavian countries, Canada or the United States where there is the most osteoporosis characterized by fractures of the basin. It appears that the important intake of calcium before puberty, and more particularly during childhood, can have beneficial effects on the bones; but this is not the solution. A balanced intake of all bone minerals, along with adequate vitamins A, C, D and K, is the most necessary thing. A balanced intake of minerals can not occur when the diet focuses on dairy products. The high calcium content of dairy products causes relative deficiencies of magnesium and other minerals needed for bone building; and its high level of phosphorus and animal protein disrupts calcium availability. Physical activity brings the best benefits to the bone, the body effectively uses what is available to build strong bones when it feels the need. In many ways, human breast milk and vegetable sources are superior to dairy products in calcium and other nutrients. There are fewer nutritional benefits or health benefits than it is generally thought to give cow's milk to children. In fact there are more risks.

Almost every day, a new medical discovery is made about whole grains, a portion of vegetables, the consumption of two fruits a day, cashews, vegetables, fish or any other food than milk. cow; and every day we discover their benefits on reducing heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, diabetes and many other diseases. Today, cow's milk and its derivatives represent one-third of an adult's diet and half to two-thirds of a child's calorie intake; dairy products therefore replace so many other nutrients needed in our diet. All this leads us to inadequate intake of vitamins, fiber minerals and vegetable oils. Antioxidants preventing cancer are absent in cow's milk as well. And even if one adds to the milk (and not in all dairy products) a form of antioxidant such as vitamin A, it is likely counteracted by pesticides and drug residues. The full spectrum of vitamins A and associated enzymes found in vegetables and other foods is necessary for cancer prevention. Many other kinds of antioxidants are found in plants, fruits, vegetables and grains.

No other animals of the animal kingdom drink milk after childhood. No other animal suffers from osteoporosis, except some pets raised by humans with human food.

If there is a desire to provide milk to a child who is not suffering from diarrhea, rashes, or other intolerant reactions, organic raw milk remains the best option. In raw (unpasteurized) organic milk there will be healthy flora as well as more active forms of immune agents. In organic milk there are fewer residues, no added hormones, and cows are better fed. It is not true to say that raw milk contains useful lactase enzymes. Only curdled milk and other versions rich in bacteria contain some (which are produced by bacteria). Commercial raw milk may contain the leucosis virus.

Goat's milk is considered by many to be superior at all levels. We find much less information on this subject but it appears that its proteins are much less problematic for digestion although intolerance allergic reactions can also happen. Lactose and natural hormones are still a problem even for goat's milk; although to date, it seems that goats do not yet undergo growth hormone injections.

Although from their first day infant formula milk powder appeared as a risk to the health of infants, when we come back on the promotion of cow's milk for children, it has emerged as a nutritional manna. And with one or two glasses a day for health ... Since then, the quality of dairy products has dropped dramatically but its consumption has exploded with a lot of promotional campaigns. Evidence suggesting that faith in cow's milk has been given a little too fast has been collected for decades. The dairy industry has had to make incredible efforts to keep this information out of the mainstream.

I pointed out only one of the existing evidence against the health claims of the dairy industry promoters. Since childhood, the dairy industry has worked hard to endorse dairy products in a food group of their own. And even if they got their place in the pyramid of healthy eating, they found their class too small and moved their lobbies to redraw the latter is to get a much larger place. Many nutrition experts such as Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard's even suggest that they should not appear at all! The dairy industry has also convinced some vegetarians that cow's milk is a plant product. Since they are no longer able to make health claims, the most recent promotion of the dairy industry has been simply to be seen by celebrities of all kinds, including those who are publicly allergic to cancer. dairy products (Bill Clinton) not to mention those too young to consume whole milk (The Rugrats).

Knowing and avoiding the possible harmful effects of high consumption of dairy products on your children is just as important as love or mothering. What we feed our children with, how we raise them matters. These steps will lead to better health, comfort and joy that a child needs. Parents have the power to make children happier, healthier and with a better future.

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