[Food Needs] what human body need for a good health

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to participate in health related events. I also thought it would be good for me to share our advice.
Following this short presentation, fast and easy foods to prepare  are organized, such as lentil soup, eggplant and tuna pizza, or express apple crumble. and pears to explain concretely that it is possible to eat well without losing too much time and avoid tiredness, this is an important criterion for the elderly.

Good habits to have

Control calorie intake to avoid problems related to overweight (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, ...)
Avoid or reduce salt that induce stomach cancer and kidney problems.
Consume fiber to have a good intestinal transit.
Consume vitamins and minerals essential to the proper functioning of the body and avoid deficiencies of nutrition feeds.
Drink 6 to 8 glasses of liquid / day to prevent dehydration and kidney disease.
Avoid alcoholic drink, no more than 2 glasses of wine a day
Eat enough protein.
Avoid eating too much red meat 
Have a physical activity at least 30 minutes / day

The nutritional contributions to be preferred:

The proteins 

With age, the metabolism of proteins is disrupted which causes a loss of muscle mass.

To avoid this 

Exercise 30 minutes each day. Example: walking, swimming or cycling 

Eat enough protein

1 to 1.2 g / kg of body weight / day is 70 to 84 g for a person of 70 kg 

Why proteins are important

Proteins are involved in the manufacture of muscle cells.

They are involved in the manufacture of antibodies to fight against diseases.

Consequences of a protein deficiency

 body use the muscles to function which increases the muscle loss and the depended risk to the activities of the daily life due to the forces decrease .
The body can no longer effectively fight infections and a simple cold can cause complications.

High protein foods

Contrary to popular belief, it is not just meat and fish that contain it.

Animal proteins

Importance of eggs

Eggs are among the best foods available. For a long time it was thought that they caused cardiovascular disease because egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol. However, in recent years, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol does not raise the total level of cholesterol in the blood. 
Egg consumption is not associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
 A recent study from Yale University in the United States showed that eating 2 eggs a day for several weeks had no impact on blood lipid .

Eggs are interesting foods. They contain animal protein of excellent quality,  egg proteins provide all the essential acids that man can not synthesize himself. They are considered as meat substitutes  .
 A large egg has only 70 calories (50 kcal in yellow and 20 kcal in white) and is full of nutrients. 
A big egg brings 6 g of protein. They are also contain  vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients important for  brain (choline) and  eyes. 
The best nutrients are in the yolk but the white is also very good: it is the most complete source of proteins . So they are an economical meal, do not hesitate to put some on your menus


calcium intake is very important to fight against osteoporosis but to fix the calcium we need vitamin D and vitamin D is made by the skin under the action of the sun
Osteoporosis is a disease that can appear in menopause women  and in men after 75 years.
To avoid this: a regular consumption of foods rich in calcium is essential but also a regular practice of physical activity because it stimulates the manufacture of the bone.

Vitamin D

It is essential for use calcium by the body. It also have a prevention role against cancer.
 Vitamin D is produced by sun on the skin but with age, this production is diminished. Food is usually not sufficient and it is recommended to take it as a supplement especially in winter.
The recommended quantities are 600 IU per day for 50 to 70 years and 800 IU afterwards.

Cereal products

The intestine often becomes lazy with age. To stimulate it, nothing better than fibers. Eat high-fiber foods such as whole grain cereals (whole wheat bread, whole grain rice, whole wheat flour or semi-whole grain, etc.) .
Grain products are not the only good sources of fiber: fruits, vegetables and legumes also provide them. Flax seeds and oat bran are also very effective against constipation. And do not forget, for the effective fibers , you have to drink a lot of liquid!

Fatty substances

Essential fatty acids are provided by  diet because  body can not make them.
Some are more dangerous for cardiovascular health, such as saturated fatty acids and trans fats found in animal foods and fried or breaded foods. avoid these fatty acids is very important but others are essential as omega 3 and omega 6.

Omega 6

the role 

They have a beneficial role for the brain, vision and immune defenses.
1.4 to 2.8 g per day ie 2 tablespoons olive oil +1 tablespoon rapeseed oil / day recommended amounts.

The richest foods with omega 6

safflower, sunflower, corn, sesame nut, grapeseed, peanut, etc.seeds and nuts: sesame seeds, pecans, peanuts, sunflower seeds,  squash seeds,

Omega 3 

The role 

Help to reduce hypertension and cardiovascular risk
Lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides and raises good cholesterol
Decreases inflammation and joint, rheumatic, arthritic and arthritis problems
Improves memory and brain function
Effective against eczema and itching
Decrease depressions
taking 8.5 to 17 g per day will be very good for health

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