RECOMMENDED Fishs for pregnant women and children

. It should be noted that PCBS are present in many fish. it's practically found with the same proportions in chicken, beef, butter or eggs. To reassure oneself a little, the recovered quantities are well below the tolerated limit imposed by the governments.

 the National Agency for Food Security (ANSES) has declared that it is necessary to take the most benefits of fish,

it's recommended to consume fish twice in week, alternating fatty fish, rich in omega 3 (sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel, trout) and lean fish (cod, whiting, venison, sole, halibut, etc.).

 Pregnant women and children under the age of 3 must limit their consumption to larger fish as (tuna, pike, monkfish, halibut, sea bream, rayfish, swordfish, grenadier, ...) more polluted. 
They must avoid swordfish, lamprey (which resembles eels). 
For children aged 3 to 10 years ANSES has declared to privilege small fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel, ect)

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