Turmeric is one of the medicinal plants and it's take in the beverage form for calming pain

the evaporated part of turmeric represents the stronger medical part than the other components,
 It is the part responsible for calming the pain.
 Turmeric contains a yellow colored material:Are medicinal compounds, called curcumin 
This compound calming the pain by the same efficiency of the other chemical Drugs
Among this vehicles we find:
 hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone
  And some other Relievers 

Turmeric advantage :

is a normal and has no symptoms
Unlike Drugs that have a  dangerous symptoms such a:
-Infectious ulcers
-reduced white blood cells and intestinal wounds

The treatment of inflammatory bowel

Turmeric represents the best and cheapest naturally medicine for the intestines,
 Despite the many research conducted on  laboratory animals
 The scientific explanation of the effectiveness of turmeric on the intestine is not yet known,
But science is still in the study phase to see how turmeric protect against intestine ulcers,
 And how to keep active intestinal cells.
Some attempts suggests that the incident is not the existence of curcumin  Antioxidant,
But due to curb worker that causing  inflammation called NF kappa-B
Is the factor that makes the intestinal cells infected caused by free radicals and other toxic substances from the metabolism.
And thereby gives  guarantee to eat turmeric in Big quantity without any damage.

arthritis inflammation and  rhumatisme 

 the characteristics that make turmeric a medication:
turneric contain a curcumin  it's antioxidant substance, and it's know that the free radicals are compounds which spread in the body, then  cause inflamation in arthritis , and other places 

the  curb or eliminate these symptoms.
 It is recognized that the curcumin inhibit these free radicals, to nullify all the pests that ensue from it propagation in the body,
 and we know that free radicals cause a lot of diseases and symptoms, including cancer, because they infect the cover of cells, 
slow down the interactive activity between cells, and the exchange of enzymes

Previously we talked about addressing curcumin against free radical cells at the level of the colon,
 free radicals are weakening DNA.: Due to the frequency division and mutations in the DNA of colon cells  ,
 the emergence of cancerous cells have very easy. 
 curcumin play the role of Keeper against these mutations that cause damage of cells in the body, and prevent it to spread in the body's organs.
 Furthermore activate the liver. And strengthen the enzymes for ejecting toxins :Detoxification

The regularly consumption of turmeric  reduces the risk of breast cancer, prostate, lung and colon cancer.
 some Laboratory experiments have illustrated that turmeric prevents cancer cells to growing and becoming swellings,
 turmeric helps to reduce the spread of cancer in the advanced cases

the curcumin located in turmeric helps to curb activity of  NF-kappaB factor is the
responsible molecule  which command the inflammation genes in the cells to secrete molecules  including TNF and COX-2 and IL-6
this  factors is  responsible  for the growth of cancer cells.
some scientific results show that turmeric inhibits the growth of cancerous swellings,
 and have this incident by raising the apoptose level for lung cancer.
turmeric Helps on the reduction of leukemia especially at childrens,
 which began to spread widely and rapidly due to the exposure of children to factors of this type of cancer,
 perhaps the child is exposed to these factors during the pregnancy.
 50 percent of children under five years of age have leukemia,and will increase due to the malnutrition and low immunity, and lack of care

Turmeric stimulate the liver

The Positive properties of turmeric that he stimulate physiological liver,
 according to the study conducted on laboratory models confirmed that the raise of enzymes that inhibit liver poisoning by toxic compounds Xenobiotic chemicals
enzymes such a : enzyme UDP glucuronyl transferase Glutathione-S-transferase
Furthermore these properties curcumin compound is a antioxidant
 which prevents the formation of toxins in the liver cells,
 The curcumin inhibit free radicals on the level of the colon
 we Had talked about antioxidant factors: cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) which makes turmeric a preventive substance against colon cancer.

Turmeric and the bloody device

 Turmeric contains a powerful antioxidant which prevents oxidation of cholesterol
  so Thus, the blood vessels will remain protected,
And also reduce homocysteine factor that causes sabotage in the inner wall of the vessels
Turmeric contains flavonoids and polyphenols
Among the Properties of flavonoids and polyphenols
they protect blood vessels,
   the consumption of turmeric helps all people with  artériosclérose disease
 eating turmeric for people with diseases related to the heart and arteries is very important, because turmeric syrup provide a high amount of flavonoids

The prevention of Amnésie

It notes that turmeric prevents the erosion of brain cells and reduce the appearance of diseases related to the aging of nervous system
The most important that Alzheimer  and parkinson disease and multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and many other diseases that make body lose his balance

 Perhaps, according to some interpretations because turmeric inhibits the factor IL-2  molecule plays a key role in sabotaging the myelin substance that connect the nervousness sense.

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