what is the relation between fish and mercury that is a risk for our life

In the water, mercury turns into methylmercury absorbed by aquatic species. The body is unable to reject mercury consumed through food, and its accumulation in tissues that can have serious consequences
disturbance of the nervous system, kidney and heart function and congenital malformations.
- Mercury goes easily into the brain, where it can remain for a long time.
-In pregnant women, it can cross the placenta and accumulate in the brain and other tissues of the fetus.
The mercury consumed accumulates in the tissues. And there is no treatment to dislodge this metal from the body. But, the best weapon is prevention. To minimize the amount of mercury on your plate, just choose the fish to cook. 
Large fish such as swordfish or sharks accumulate a large amount of methylmercury over their long life.

 Conversely, small fish that have a much shorter life such as sardines or salmon have almost rarly containe .

Tip: Eat small fish such as anchovy, hake, herring, small mackerel, small salmon, smelt, and trout. Avoid swordfish, shark, lamprey, marlin and large mackerel.

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