Apples contain
vitamin (F) it’s useful against inflammatory diseases, and Vitamin A strengthens
the sight and vitamin B necessary for
the maintenance and integrity of the nervous system
Apples are rich in natural sugars that feed
the body
Apples are an
important source for ridding the body of toxins
Apple juice kills
Apples are rich in natural sugar it’s the primary muscle
It’s also good
source of vitamin C and pectin
helps to
lower cholesterol
You should eat the
apple with peels and core if it’s a
natural apples not Chemicals
Apples provide
Fructose which does not need insulin
Apples are antioxidant and rich in kirsitin
and Chlorogenic acid
Apples have a citrus including citric acid and Maleic
Apples have a citrus prevent oxalate Precipitation
in kidney ,They have also other organic citrus prevent gravel form in the gallbladder
Apples can be used to reduce weight by consuming
it throughout the season and avoid animal Nutrition
Apples work to protect the eye because it
contains vitamin A, which turns into Rhodopsin after it is consumed in the body